Give your brand unmatched visibility and market exposure with Big Bus Promo. Come to us for one of the most popular forms of advertising, and showcase your products on a wide range of vehicles including iconic open and closed deck double deckers and open single deckers. We ensure to effectively showcase your brand and message to a larger audience in the most effective manner. You can opt for total bus wraps, where the whole bus, including the sides become a large and striking canvas for your product. There is also the option of using stickers or banners on the sides of vehicles to convert high brand recognition.
With Big Bus Promo your message cannot be turned off or switched on to another competitive product like on a regular advertisement on Television! The large, colorful and innovative designs cannot be ignored on roads and it will be your brand’s own exclusive space. It will be delivered repetitively to a varied audience captivating commuters and pedestrians alike. With our wide range of vehicles we offer you flexibility of ad size and location as well!
We will be happy to offer corporate and advertising agents exciting packages for outdoor activations anywhere in the island.